Friday, March 03, 2006


Aright.  I went back to the game, and I got stuck for $600… plus whatever vig Jason is charging on his $20.  Overall though, I don't think I did anything really bad.  Jason might take issue with that, and I want him to tell me so.

Same plan.  I wanted to play a little looser with my initial buyin, and tighter with my second buyin.  The first buyin, I did indeed play looser, and made a bet that was iffy, with the nut flush draw.  I had fold equity, and outs to the best hand.  Again, Jason might take issue with that, but that's why I'm including him on this blog.  Heh.  He's probably the only one reading this… ever.

The second buyin, I didn't tighten up!  I just played pretty much the same, if anything, I became weaker. I made a call that I could have folded vs. Tony.  I made the call thinking I had the best hand (top 2), (Jason says he knew Tony had the nuts), and I had outs to the best hand again... (uh… 4)

After getting busted the second time, I though about how I had played and how the game was playing.  I had two smart aggressive players on my right, and two players on my left that I thought I could beat.  One guy was raising raising 10x the bb in early position a lot with just the blinds in the pot.  I wonder if those $3 takedowns were raked?  That would be hilarious.  Anyway, I was hoping to be the guy to bust him, but Jason got those honors.  The guy started whining about not knowing how much Jason had in front of him, but it was total BS.  He knew.  It took everything I had for me to not laugh when Jason simply gave him $50 to stop bitching, under the pretense that it was because Jason didn't have the stack 'precisely' in front of him.

I made one very good laydown (flopped 2 pr vs. turned 2 pr), and one lucky laydown (AJ vs. TT, flop JTT)  Lucky because had it only been me, Jason would have never have bet his quad, and I would have rivered the boat, so I saved $50 there.

I think the one thing I could have done better was to have cashed out for $50 at that point.  I would never buy into the game for $50, so why would I continue playing for $50?  Hell, I could have made that decision at $75, or $100.  I made a game evaluation earlier, when I bought back in with Jason's money.  I need to make constant game evaluations.

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